Mechanics of Materials 8th Edition by James M. Gere

Mechanics of Materials 8th Edition by James M. Gere
Mechanics of Materials 8th Edition by James M. Gere and Robert Kolenkow develops student understanding along with analytical and problem-solving skills. The main topics include analysis and design of structural members subjected to tension, compression, torsion, bending, and more. The book includes more material than can be taught in a single course giving instructors the opportunity to select the topics they wish to cover while leaving any remaining material as a valuable student reference.

The authors do and excellent job of discussing the topics at a level I believe will be absorbed by the students. They also make a good effort to highlight the important issues and points in the text by italicizing or bolding. I feel that the author has done an excellent job of relating real structures to solid body analysis techniques, and haspresented and discussed it in a manner that I think students will appreciate.

"The homework problems are perhaps the strongest point of the text. The problems cover the waterfront in variety, complexity and coverage. They include numerous examples that are found inthe real world and students can identify with them.

Book Details
Hardcover: 1152 pages
Publisher: CL Engineering; 8 edition (January 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1111577730
ISBN-13: 978-1111577735


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